Tag Archives: mendongeng

INABBY Activities

IBBY Indonesia Artificial Intelligence and Young TalentsIn collaboration with Kelompok Pencinta Bacaan Anak (KPBA), IBBY Indonesia (INABBY) organised a series of webinars and seminars during the second half of 2023. Some interesting topics of the webinar include Artificial Intelligence and Young Talents. Artificial Intelligence has been a popular discussion topic among experts and journalists, including children’s book writers and illustrators, in Indonesia. On 26

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Happiness With Special Children in Bali

A visit to a special school in Bali , December 4th 2023. The Children showed a good response and participated in all programs: making storytelling devices, with KPBA representatives Dwi Julyanti, Murti Bunanta, storytelling sessions with Margaret Read MacDonald (pic 8 , 9 – Fat Cat was handed over to the head master afterwards) and Made Taro and Gde Tarmada.They also astonished us with

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KPBA’s Event In Collaboration With Jakarta International Literary Festival – Children’s Event

Happy day with the families organized by Society for the Advancement of Children’s on October 22 and 23th 2022 at Jakarta International Literary Festival. . Laporan pandangan mata acara KPBA di @ JILF (Jakarta International Literary Festival) tanggal 22 dan 23 Oktober, 2022 lalu di Taman Ismail Marzuki. Kebahagiaan, keceriaan, keberagaman, kebersamaan, bermain bersama, bersatu, kebhinekaan, edukasi, gotong royong, pertemanan dan persahabatan, selalu tercermin

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Webinar Mengapa Saya Menjadi Ilustrator dan Penulis Plus | 26 Februari 2022

KPBA Webinar #22 went successfully and give many insight to how to develop one ‘s ability to many professions. Murti showed a prominent newspaper dated 1987 in which she wrote the importance of having organizations that focused on promoting of reading (pic 1) and since then she established Kelompok Pencinta Bacaan Anak (KPBA) or Society for the Advancement of Children’s Literature. Murti also shared

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Telling Stories and be Creative at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) | 11 Agustus 2021

  A lecture on “Telling Stories and be Creative“, a collaboration event between KPBA, INABBY and University of Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) in Bandung (West Java) attended by almost 400 participants, held on August 11 th 2021, 9-12 WIB. Many insights, ideas and inspiration were comments that raised by the participants. A long supportive member of KPBA, Dwi Julianti shared telling stories with rope, origami

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Meet the Expert Lazuardi School With Dr. Murti Bunanta | 2 Agustus 2021

  “Meet the Expert“ is an excellent program of Lazuardi School which has a long relationship with KPBA and INABBY. This school have been many times participated in KPBA Storytelling Festival. On August 2nd, 2021,10.00 -11.30 WIB, Dr Murti Bunanta was invited to meet children class 7 to talk and discuss about folktales which the topic these students were interested in. The enthusiastic students

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Webinar Membuat Kreasi Pita dari Cerita Rakyat | 10 April 2021

As always our workshop through webinar was very successful. This 12th webinar on April 10th, 2021, organized by INABBY and KPBA (SACL) shared how to create ribbon crafts based on folktales stories. This activities will make stories more remembered and enjoyed by all the people who listened and shared the stories through read aloud or storytelling. Seperti biasanya webinar yang diselenggarakan oleh KPBA dan

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Telling Stories and Creating Stories | 20 March 2021

  In order to celebrate World Storytelling Day ,KPBA has conducted the 11 th webinar on “Telling Stories and Creating Stories with KPBA team“ on March 20th, 2021. More than 250 people consisted of teachers, writers, parents, educators, illustrators, and others attended the event coming from many parts of Indonesia : Riau Island, North Sumatra, Maluku Island, Bali, East Nusa Tenggara Island, Sumba Island,

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Celebrating World Read Aloud Day 2021 | 2 February 2021

World Read Aloud Day sharing on Read Aloud and Storytelling for teachers organized by @KGB Depok , @Readaloud.Depok and @Read Aloud Indonesia, February 2 nd 2021. Pembicara Utama untuk peringatan World Read Aloud Day pada 2 Februari 2021 diselenggarakan oleh KGB Depok, Read Aloud Depok dan Read Aloud Indonesia tentang Membacakan Buku dan Mendongeng untuk guru PAUD, guru SMP dan guru SMA serta orang

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Pertama kali KPBA diminta berkolaborasi oleh Borobudur Writers and Cultural Festival (BW CF) untuk acara anak anak, tgl 22 -26 November 2018.

Pada hari pertama acara untuk anak di BWCF tanggal 23 November 2018 KPBA, Ibu Murti Bunanta memgetengahkan cerita tentang pangeran Sidharta yg menyelamatkan burung angsa yg terluka. Pangeran ini kelak menjadi Buddha Gautama, sebuah cerita dari India, selain itu ada 3 kisah lain yang mengajarkan perilaku baik yang sebaiknya dilakukan oleh umat manusia. Larasasti pendiri KPBA-Jogya mendongeng tentang raja Gunadharma (Rakai Pikatan) yang mendirikan

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