IBBY -Yamada Fund Workshop in Indonesia 2020 on Trauma Healing Workshop for Community Libraries in the Ring of Fire 2 nd went well which organized by INABBY and KPBA, consists of 4 series of zoom meetings on 12 nd , 19 th, 27th September and 3 rd October. The tutors are Murti Bunanta, Emilia Natzir, Remon Agus, Ida Farida, Galuh Larasasti, Dwi Julianti, Mira Widhayati, Galih Indra Gunawan.
Pertemuan Workshop Trauma Healing ke 2 tahun 2020 diinisiasi INABBY dan KPBA tg 12, 19, 26 September dan 3 Oktober melalui pertemuan Zoom terselenggara dengan sukses. Tutor terdiri dari Dr Murti Bunanta, Emilia Natzir Med, Mira Widhayati, Remon Agus MBA, Dr Ida Farida, Galuh Larasasti, Dwi Julianti dan dibantu Galih Indra Gunawan.
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