Delegasi KPBA Bertemu dengan Kawan-Kawan IBBY di Kongres IBBY Bangkok Mei 2017


IBBY congresses were always organized in full of friendship and togetherness in spirit of dedication for the education and well being of the children through reading and qualities books. Read = Life is the theme of the 3rd congress. Murti has met many old friends all around the world: Wally de Doncker ( president of IBBY – Belgium), Liz Page (Excecutive Directour of IBBY -Zwitzerland), Patsy Aldana (President of IBBY Children in Crisis Programe). Ms Bando, president of IBBY Japan, Emilia Nazir,secretary general of INABBY. Ms Eva president of IBBY Uganda, Ms Pornanong, secretary general of Thay IBBy and foto 11: Ms Pornanong,Ms Somboon Singkamanan, former THai IBBY president who were together with Murti Bunanta, president INABBy, served as Excutive members of IBBY 1992-1996. A Thai writer next to Murti.


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