Pada Malam terakhir AFCC diadakan “Myanmar Night”. Negara Myanmar adalah AFCC County of Focus 2019, setelah Indonesia 2017 dan Singapore 2018. Para Advisory Board dari Singapore Book Council termasuk Dr Murti Bunanta diperkenalkan di malam itu (foto 5), Hadir dalam acara itu Counselor dari Myanmar dan para penari yang mengisi acara (foto 2). Ms Claire Chiang ( foto 3), Chairperson dari SBC memberi
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Beberapa catatan yang tertinggal dari dua wakil KPBA, Dr Murti Bunanta dan @mirawidhayati dapat dinikmati di sini ketika mewakili Indonesia di AFCC (Asian Festival of Children’ s Content) di Singapura 2018. Dr Murti memberi presentasi untuk “Celebrating Our Stars“ tgl 6 September dan menjadi panelis tentang Asean Market, 7 September dan Mira memberi presentasi tentang “Turning Ilustrations into Storytelling Devices“ pada tgl 6 September dan
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Foto bersama di depan Indonesian Booth pada acara “Indonesia Night” di AFCC di Singapura tg 19 Mei. Bersama Pak Triawan Munaf, Mr Balakhrisnan, Menteri luar negeri Singapura, Bapak Ngurah Swadaya, dutabesar Indonesia bersama ibu dan Ms Claire Chiang ketua National Book Development Council penyelenggara AFCC ke 8. Murti Bunanta sdh menjadi Board of Advisor sejak pendirian AFCC 8 th lalu, th ini adalah
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Murti Bunanta (president) and Emilia Nazir (secretary general) were presentating a country report of INABBY, the Indonesian Section of IBBY, at the 3rd Asia Oceania IBBY Regional Congress, in Bangkok, 9-12 May. INABBY is known as a very active section for promoting reading and encouraging more researchers of children’s literature. There were delegations from more or less 20 countries attending the conference, The 1st
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Indonesia is the Country of Focus of AFCC 2017, 16-21 May (Asian Festival of Children’s Content – Hundreds of Indonesian Children’s books will be shown and prominent Indonesian writers will deliver their papers, Indonesian cultures and folktales will be performed through storytellings, dances and performances. The Ambassador of Indonesia for Singapore, Mr Ngurah Swadaya, and Dr Murti Bunanta had met on March, 30th
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