Tag Archives: Buku Anak

Princess Kemang Retold by Murti Bunanta at FBF 2023

Thank you so much Gabriela Bracklo (owner of Edition Bracklo, publisher of Prinzessin Kemang) and Wedha Stratesti (marketing communication manager of Gramedia Publisher) for your kindness sharing this beautiful picture of Prinzessin Kemang (Putri Kemang) at Frankfurt Book Fair 2023, a folktale retold by Murti Bunanta. . Buku Putri Kemang cerita rakyat Bengkulu diceritakan kembali oleh Murti Bunanta ada lagi di FBF (Frankfurt Book

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Webinar Puisi Genre Sastra Anak yang Dilupakan | 25 September 2021

Webinar KPBA #19 on Children’s Poem was a fruitful event attended by more than 100 participants reminding book people that this genre should get more attention to be written, published and introduced, read to children. Books that have been chosen for discussion were not only written beautifully but also contain knowledge about the subject, have a solid story, amusing and completed with beautiful illustrations

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Webinar Bibliotherapi “Aku Bersamamu – Yuk Bercerita!” | 21 Agustus 2021

KPBA webinar #18 on Bibliotherapy was done on August 21th, 2021 shared the dedication of the members of KPBA to children as stated in the vision and mission of KPBA Dr Murti Bunanta the initiator of storytelling sessions in the hospital shared the challenges and her experiences when started the initiative since 1993. While Surya Sili Phd, another member of INABBY shared her knowledge

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“Penulis KPBA Berbagi : Tema yang Aku Suka“, Webinar KPBA #15

  Murti Bunanta , as keynote speaker, and 5 other writers member of KPBA sharing their passions and knowledge about writing for children. Renny Yaniar, Agnes Bemoe, Dian Onasis, Shoba Dewey Chugani told about their creative writing process and what themes they produced as the product of their imagination. Murti focused on writing for early readers and folktales. Agnes Bemoe wrote mostly on minorities

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The 2nd Children’s Literature National Seminar, Economic Creative and Global Market | July 14th 2021

The 2 nd National Seminar on Children’s Literature was held in collaboration among INABBY, KPBA and University of Jember held on July 14th 2021, 8.30 – 12 WIB with its theme: ”Children’s Literature, Economic Creative and Global Market”. The enthusiastic participants more than 200 people were excited to know the possibility of Indonesian Children’s Literature can play in the global market. Dr Murti Bunanta

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Webinar Buku Anak Sarana Toleransi “Apa Kata Penerbit?” | 26 Juni 2021

  KPBA National Webinar #14th with its topic: “Children’s Books as a Way of Teaching Tolerance – What Say the Publishers” was held on June, 26 th 2021. It went very well with hundreds of participants consists of writers, illustrators, editors, teachers, librarians, publishers, parents, researchers, students etc. Three Publishers shared their views and Murti Bunanta opened the discussions as keynote speaker.   Webinar

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Webinar Pantang Menyerah Terus Berkarya Kaum Panmur dan Karya Anak | 24 April 2021

  As usual Murti Bunanta led the 13th Webinar organized by KPBA and INABBY featuring senior prominent writers over 75 years old, mostly over 80 years, who are still productive. The webinar went very well. Their sharing and spirits amazed younger writers. Kaum Panmur unjuk gigi. Mereka masih berkarya di umur lebih dari 80 th. Pak LK Ara untuk sajak anak anak. Ibu Rahartati

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Book Donations to Community Libraries

Community libraries which participated Workshop on Trauma Healing 2020 received book donations from IBBY-Yamada Project, KPBA, INABBY and Bestari Murni Publishing after it is done. Setelah mengikuti workshop setiap perpustakaan masyarakat peserta mendapat buku donasi dari IBBY- Yamada Project, KPBA, INABBY dan Penerbit Bestari Murni.

Webinar “Cerita Panji Sebagai Bacaan Anak“

A collaboration between KPBA, Asosiasi Tradisi Lisan and Pusat Konservasi Budaya Panji. Murti will share how folktale should be rewritten and to make it “alive“.   Kerjasama antara KPBA, Asosiasi Tradisi Lisan Jawa Timur dan Pusat Konservasi Budaya Panji. Webinar tanggal 19 November, Kamis pk 14.00-16.00. Murti Bunanta akan berbagi bagaimana sebaiknya menuliskan kembali cerita rakyat dan bagaimana membuat cerita menjadi “hidup“.   Dr

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Webinar Buku di Arus Luar dalam Khasanah Bacaan Anak Indonesia

  Webinar yg diselenggarakan oleh KPBA tanggal 5 September 2020 berjalan dengan sukses. Peserta sangat antusias dan diskusi terjadi interaktif. Sampai jumpa di webinar berikutnya.   Webinar on diverse books organized by KPBA and @ INABBY went successfully. The discussion was fruitful and participants look forward to have more discussion on different topics in the near future.

