Murti Bunanta and KPBA in Collaboration with Sitor Situmorang Foundation Organizing the 100 Year Celebration of Sitor Situmorang
Please enjoy another glance of sharing session with the children: Reading Theater, (p1.2) the recent published book by Murti ( pic3 ), read aloud demonstrating (pic 4), sharing ideas by some of the students (pic 5,6,7). Showing a sample of silent book by Emilia Nasir (p8). Several KPBA members who are helping to organize the event (p9). Salim M ( white shirt – the
Read moreINABBY Initiatives Reported by Murti Bunanta and Emilia Nazir
Collaboration Event between INABBY and Balige Writers Festival (BWF),25-28 July 2024 INABBY and KPBA (Kelompok Pencinta Bacaan)/SACL (Society for the Advancement for Children’s Literature) were invited to the Balige Writers Festival, a festival for writers, readers, and the community. The festival was held in Balige, the capital city of Toba, North Sumatra and aims to encourage a reading of Toba and its surroundings. The
Read moreKPBA In Colaboration with Balige Writers Festival, July 25-28th 2024
A happy meeting with colleagues of Children’s books supporters. (Pic 1-4).Meeting with children anywhere and everywhere is always the best part of life (p 5). After the presentation (pic 6) Dr Murti Bunanta exchanged her work with a prominent novelist, Nestor Rico Tambunan (pic 7). . Balige Writers Festival mungkin masih berupa sebuah “tunas” saat ini, semoga akan berkembang menjadi sebuah “pohon rimbun yang
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