The third webinar has been organized by INABBY and KPBA for children, parents and teachers on the diversity of Indonesian fruits and the benefits. Storytelling by Murti Bunanta using various fruits and making banana from origami taught by Dwi Yulianti and printable book mark designed by Mira Widhayati. IBBY -Yamada Project 3 diselenggarakan oleh INABBY dan KPBA, 13 Februari, 2021 mengenai Pelangi Pangan –
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World Read Aloud Day sharing on Read Aloud and Storytelling for teachers organized by @KGB Depok , @Readaloud.Depok and @Read Aloud Indonesia, February 2 nd 2021. Pembicara Utama untuk peringatan World Read Aloud Day pada 2 Februari 2021 diselenggarakan oleh KGB Depok, Read Aloud Depok dan Read Aloud Indonesia tentang Membacakan Buku dan Mendongeng untuk guru PAUD, guru SMP dan guru SMA serta orang
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The launch went successfully and received enthusiastic responses. The first kind of memoar in Indonesia initiated by Murti Bunanta’s idea. Peluncuran buku: Berkelana Lewat Buku-Kisah 7 Penulis, berjalan dengan sukses dengan diskusi yang bermanfaat dan menarik tentang banyak hal baik yang menyangkut minat baca dan buku anak. Dr Murti banyak memberi masukan yang memcerahkan. Dalam unggahan tampak 6 penulis nya beserta penerbit : Pt
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This book entitled, “Kisah 7 Penulis” is a childhood memories of seven prominent Indonesian writers about reading and books when they were kids and how their parents instilled the love of reading. This memoar doesn’t present pretentious jargon on literacy. And the books mentioned in this memoar are important references for the history of Indonesian Children’s Literature which are useful for researchers, librarians, students,
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Community libraries which participated Workshop on Trauma Healing 2020 received book donations from IBBY-Yamada Project, KPBA, INABBY and Bestari Murni Publishing after it is done. Setelah mengikuti workshop setiap perpustakaan masyarakat peserta mendapat buku donasi dari IBBY- Yamada Project, KPBA, INABBY dan Penerbit Bestari Murni.
After Receiving Workshop on Trauma Healing 2020, the participants expressed their appreciations in their mother’s languages. Setelah mengikuti workshop para peserta menyatakan rasa terima kasihnya dalam bahasa daerah masing-masing.
KPBA and INABBY are selecting Indonesian candidates for @ BIB Exhibition and competition 2021 and one candidate for @ BIB – Unesco Workshop of Albin Brunosvky 2021. Murti Bunanta, President Jury 2011 and 2013 and four illustrators who have been chosen for participating the workshop shared their experiences on December, 12th 2020 at 15.30 – 17.30 hr. HE Mr Jaroslav Chlebo opened the event
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On December 5th 2020, KPBA and INABBY have organized a very special and the first ever done in Indonesia and perhaps never done in other countries; Webinar on “Making Storytelling Devices for Grandparents and Grandchildren” Pada tg 5 December KPBA dan INABBY mengadakan webinar “Membuat Alat Peraga Sederhana khusus untuk Nenek dan Kakek serta Cucu” sebagai bagian dari IBBY- Yamada Fund Workshop Project
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A collaboration between KPBA, Asosiasi Tradisi Lisan and Pusat Konservasi Budaya Panji. Murti will share how folktale should be rewritten and to make it “alive“. Kerjasama antara KPBA, Asosiasi Tradisi Lisan Jawa Timur dan Pusat Konservasi Budaya Panji. Webinar tanggal 19 November, Kamis pk 14.00-16.00. Murti Bunanta akan berbagi bagaimana sebaiknya menuliskan kembali cerita rakyat dan bagaimana membuat cerita menjadi “hidup“. Dr
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Nearly 9 months during the pandemic, annual meetings of KPBA members were not possibly done which usually we got together in person and have lunch together. This time we have organized zoom meeting attended by 34 members. A very fruitful meeting with many good ideas raised by the members for our coming programs. Setelah hampir 9 bulan tidak mengadakan pertemuan rutin antar anggota
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