Webinar KPBA – INABBY #28 with Three Children Speakers

Webinar KPBA #28 with three children speakers went successfully and amazed attendees. They showed their various talents that will inspire their peers. KPBA is a leading organization that support and gives a place for children to shine. . Sebuah kejutan dan menimbulkan kekaguman yang amat sangat bagi para peserta dewasa akan bakat dan karya anak anak para pemateri: @ Rachel Lintang, @ Joseviena Emanuelllo

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Dr Murti Bunanta and Valentina Kris Utami Were Invited by Balai Bahasa Sulawesi Tenggara in Kendari – South East Sulawesi to Lead Workshop, May, 3rd – 5th, 2023

A fruitful workshop with a very good atmosphere and warm relationship between the participants and the speakers. Hoping these open minded participants will be able to write quality books. . Acara pelatihan di Balai Bahasa Sulawesi Tenggara di Kendari yang menyenangkan dan membanggakan karena para peserta yang amat terbuka untuk menerima hal baru, masukan dan kritik positif. Terima kasih untuk kerjasama dan undangan Pelatihan

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Interview with Murti Bunanta by Niklas Bengtsson

A big thanks to Niklas Bengtsson, a children’s literature specialist from Finland for your interest in Indonesian Folktales. This is a great introduction about Indonesian culture. . Kongres Sastra Anak IBBY ke 38 di Putrajaya (Malaysia), 5-8 September 2021 membawa kenangan tersendiri bertemu dengan Sahabat dan teman teman lama di antaranya Niklas Bengtsson, seorang ahli sastra anak dari Finlandia yang menyempatkan waktu untuk mewawancarai

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Webinar KPBA #27 “Writing Non-Fiction – Resources and Challenges”

Webinar KPBA #27 on “Writing Non Fiction- Resources and Challenges” opened the participants’ horizon that this genre is not less attractive than fiction. New ideas can be explored and written. Speakers: Dr Murti Bunanta , Setiawan Sasongko, Teguh Santosa. Moderator: Emilia Nazir . Webinar KPBA #27 : “Menulis Buku Anak Non Fiksi – Sumber dan Tantangannya“ memberi banyak ide dan membuka cakrawala peserta bahwa

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Webinar KPBA – INABBY #26

Webinar KPBA #26 shared the dedication of these wonderful people who did a lot for their communities to promote reading. We are proud of them. . Webinar Nasional KPBA #26 membahas tentang penting nya perbuatan nyata tanpa pamrih untuk mendekatkan masyarakat untuk membaca dan mengeksplorasi bacaan sehingga dapat mengubah hidup seseorang. Dr Murti Bunanta mengajak orang tidak menggunakan kata “literasi” tanpa tindak nyata dan

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Murti Bunanta, Presented a Talk on STEAM Basis For Children‘s Books Writing

Dr Murti Bunanta was invited to present a talk by Language Institution of Bali Province on December 27th 2022. DR Herawati, the Head (in red outfit) of the Institution opened the event and Dr Murti handed over several children‘s books . . Dr Murti Bunanta mendapat undangan dari Balai Bahasa Provinsi Bali untuk memberikan pencerahan tentang “Penulisan Cerita Anak Berbasis Steam (Science, Tehnology, Art,

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ALMA Nomination

Prof Milena Mileva mentioned about the nomination of KPBA for Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award – ALMA 2023 in her talk for a Studium Generale organized by Jember University. Hoping for the best. . Kelompok Pencinta Bacaan Anak (KPBA) dijadikan contoh oleh Prof Dr Milena Mileva (ahli sastra anak dari Slovenia) dalam sebuah Studium Generale diadakan oleh Universitas Jember bagaimana menjadi penggerak literasi yang mumpuni

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KPBA’s Event In Collaboration With Jakarta Literary Festival – Adults Event

Since the establishment KPBA and INABBY have been organizing communities projects not only for children but also for young adults, universities students and adults as well to make all generations aware of the importance of reading . Two events for them organized recently, at Jakarta International Literary Festival, Making Diorama of the Dream City, October 24th 2022 (pic 1 and 2) and a Talkshow,

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KPBA’s Event In Collaboration With Jakarta International Literary Festival – Children’s Event

Happy day with the families organized by Society for the Advancement of Children’s on October 22 and 23th 2022 at Jakarta International Literary Festival. . Laporan pandangan mata acara KPBA di @ JILF (Jakarta International Literary Festival) tanggal 22 dan 23 Oktober, 2022 lalu di Taman Ismail Marzuki. Kebahagiaan, keceriaan, keberagaman, kebersamaan, bermain bersama, bersatu, kebhinekaan, edukasi, gotong royong, pertemanan dan persahabatan, selalu tercermin

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Webinar KPBA – INABBY #25: Books for Disabilities and Books Written By Special Children

Webinar KPBA – INNABY #25 discussed Books for Disabilities and Books written by Special children to make people giving more attention to this kind of production. Murti shared and showed the participations examples of books for children with disabilities. She also explained various books for special needs children in the international market chosen by IBBY.Two other speakers are Dita and Sarah two special girls

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