Enjoy and Don’t Worry About the Competition

This advice was brought up by Murti Bunanta when she was invited to be one of the speakers at a Webinar, May 11th 2024, organized by The Education University in Bandung in collaboration with Seameo, Seameo Qitep, Seameo Ceccep, Hiski, and Tridaya Group.
KPBA is invited to be part of this collaboration as KPBA is considered to have many experiences in conducting Storytelling Events since its establishment in 1986 by Murti Bunanta.


Murti Bunanta lebih menganjurkan untuk menikmati mendongeng bagi diri sendiri dan memanfaatkan bagi ketrampilan diri berbicara di depan umum (public speaking) dari pada fokus untuk pemenangan lomba.
Ratusan peserta hadir dalam acara webinar dan sosialisasi lomba.


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