Webinar Mengapa Saya Menjadi Ilustrator dan Penulis Plus | 26 Februari 2022

KPBA Webinar #22 went successfully and give many insight to how to develop one ‘s ability to many professions. Murti showed a prominent newspaper dated 1987 in which she wrote the importance of having organizations that focused on promoting of reading (pic 1) and since then she established Kelompok Pencinta Bacaan Anak (KPBA) or Society for the Advancement of Children’s Literature. Murti also shared

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The First Zoom Meeting of KPBA/INABBY Members in 2022 | 17th January 2022

The first zoom meeting of KPBA/INABBY members in 2022, gathered new plans and ideas for the coming events. Thanks for all the members who participated with enthusiasm, friendship, supporting each other. A fun meeting.   Tahun 2022 ini dimulai dengan Semangat baru dari Para Anggota KPBA yang mengadakan pertemuan melalui Zoom pada tanggal 15 Januari kemarin. Pertemuan ini melahirkan ide ide segar dan banyak

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Webinar Warna-Warni Penelitian Sastra Anak | 20 November 2021

Webinar KPBA and INABBY #21 presented various researches on Children’s Literature done by our members: Dr Murti Bunanta, Dr Riama Maslan, Dr Ari Ambarwati and Lukas Luwarso. This research presentations will be continued in 2022 with more topics that needed for all others interested in the studies of Children’s Literature and to give information to the world that Indonesian Chlidren’s Literature are interesting topics

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Webinar Bahasa Indonesia Dalam Bacaan Anak | 16 Oktober 2021

KPBA Webinar #20 discussed about the importance of proper and effective usage of words, sentences, vocabulary in the creation of stories. Pilihan kata, penggunaan kalimat, penyajian cerita, pemakaian bahasa yang tertib akan dibahas dalam webinar KPBA #20. Bahasa Indonesia mampu untuk menyampaikan cerita yang mengasyikan.

Webinar Puisi Genre Sastra Anak yang Dilupakan | 25 September 2021

Webinar KPBA #19 on Children’s Poem was a fruitful event attended by more than 100 participants reminding book people that this genre should get more attention to be written, published and introduced, read to children. Books that have been chosen for discussion were not only written beautifully but also contain knowledge about the subject, have a solid story, amusing and completed with beautiful illustrations

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Webinar Bibliotherapi “Aku Bersamamu – Yuk Bercerita!” | 21 Agustus 2021

KPBA webinar #18 on Bibliotherapy was done on August 21th, 2021 shared the dedication of the members of KPBA to children as stated in the vision and mission of KPBA Dr Murti Bunanta the initiator of storytelling sessions in the hospital shared the challenges and her experiences when started the initiative since 1993. While Surya Sili Phd, another member of INABBY shared her knowledge

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Webinar Rangkul “Simulasi Perkembangan Anak Dengan Bacaan” | 14 Agustus 2021

  Bacaan tidak berhenti ketika habis dibaca karena bisa dijadikan efektif dengan menciptakan cerita baru dan kreasi kreatif. Murti Bunanta dan Dwi Julianti berbagi berbagai cara bagaimana membuat kegiatan membaca menjadi menyenangkan dan dikenang sepanjang hayat. Another Storytelling and Creativity Webinar collaboration between KPBA and Rangkul, Agust 14th, 2021, 9 -11 WIB.              

Telling Stories and be Creative at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) | 11 Agustus 2021

  A lecture on “Telling Stories and be Creative“, a collaboration event between KPBA, INABBY and University of Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) in Bandung (West Java) attended by almost 400 participants, held on August 11 th 2021, 9-12 WIB. Many insights, ideas and inspiration were comments that raised by the participants. A long supportive member of KPBA, Dwi Julianti shared telling stories with rope, origami

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Meet the Expert Lazuardi School With Dr. Murti Bunanta | 2 Agustus 2021

  “Meet the Expert“ is an excellent program of Lazuardi School which has a long relationship with KPBA and INABBY. This school have been many times participated in KPBA Storytelling Festival. On August 2nd, 2021,10.00 -11.30 WIB, Dr Murti Bunanta was invited to meet children class 7 to talk and discuss about folktales which the topic these students were interested in. The enthusiastic students

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“Penulis KPBA Berbagi : Tema yang Aku Suka“, Webinar KPBA #15

  Murti Bunanta , as keynote speaker, and 5 other writers member of KPBA sharing their passions and knowledge about writing for children. Renny Yaniar, Agnes Bemoe, Dian Onasis, Shoba Dewey Chugani told about their creative writing process and what themes they produced as the product of their imagination. Murti focused on writing for early readers and folktales. Agnes Bemoe wrote mostly on minorities

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