“Meet the Expert“ is an excellent program of Lazuardi School which has a long relationship with KPBA and INABBY. This school have been many times participated in KPBA Storytelling Festival.
On August 2nd, 2021,10.00 -11.30 WIB, Dr Murti Bunanta was invited to meet children class 7 to talk and discuss about folktales which the topic these students were interested in. The enthusiastic students gave many interesting questions. At the end of the meeting they expressed very suprising comments: “I want to be a writer, I want to be a folklorists“ (knowing that Dr Murti is a writer and folklorist). Many said that “Indonesian folktales are cool”, knowing that many folktales that have been retold by Murti were translated into many languages. An amazing event which make children proud of their Culture encouraged by the school.
Undangan bertemu dan berdiskusi dengan murid murid kelas 7 Lazuardi dalam acara “Meet the Expert“ sungguh patut dipuji dan ditiru oleh sekolah lainnya. Anak-anak dibiasakan mengenal, mencintai serta bangga akan warisan budaya nya, cerita rakyat Nusantara. Komentar mereka pada sesi refleksi sungguh membanggakan, “Saya Ingin Menjadi Penulis”, “Saya ingin menjadi Folkloris“, Cerita Rakyat Indonesia sangat Hebat“.
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