Tag Archives: Children’s Literature

Exploring Children’s Literature

As usual KPBA and INABBY webinar went well. Webinar #32 gave many new insights to the participants.Dr Murti Bunanta showed some her works of early readers to give insights how shaping a good stories for kindergartners (pic 2,3). Also she showed her newest book published in Singapore (pic 4,5).Three other speakers: Dr Ida Farida Sachmadi, Nicke Yunita Muharram M.A and Jessica Florencia, medical doctor

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Memory of IBBY Regional Congress in Bali 2013 – Resource: IBBY website

THE 1st ASIA-OCEANIA IBBY REGIONAL CONGRESS IN BALI: INABBY REPORT INABBY, The Indonesian Section of IBBY, has successfully organized The 1st Asia-Oceania IBBY Regional Congress in Bali, May 23rd–26th, 2013. No doubt this first step taken by INABBY will be followed by other national sections of IBBY in the region, to continue such regional congresses in the future. This first congress was attended by

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Princess Kemang Retold by Murti Bunanta at FBF 2023

Thank you so much Gabriela Bracklo (owner of Edition Bracklo, publisher of Prinzessin Kemang) and Wedha Stratesti (marketing communication manager of Gramedia Publisher) for your kindness sharing this beautiful picture of Prinzessin Kemang (Putri Kemang) at Frankfurt Book Fair 2023, a folktale retold by Murti Bunanta. . Buku Putri Kemang cerita rakyat Bengkulu diceritakan kembali oleh Murti Bunanta ada lagi di FBF (Frankfurt Book

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Early Reader Books by Murti Bunanta at FBF 2023

Early Readers Books by Murti Bunanta are again exhibited at Asta Ilmu Publishing booth, a leading publisher from Indonesia. Thanks to ms Natalina Rimba , Chief Marketing Officer Mentari Group for sharing this picture. . Seri Buku pemula karya Dr Murti Bunanta yang diterbitkan oleh ASTA Ilmu Sukses , Mentari Gruop, dipamerkan di FBF 2023. Terima Kasih Ibu Natalina Rimba , Chief Marketing Officer

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Stories Behind Children’s Toys – Webinar #24 KPBA

Through Webinar KPBA #24, April 23 th 2022, with its theme: “Stories Behind Children’s Toys”, Murti Bunanta reminded the importance of encouraging children to play and inventing things look simple but will be a step to be an inventor one day . Participants got Insights and ideas to work with children at schools, in writing new stories, having new studies of Children’s plays and

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Webinar KPBA #23: From Stories to Animation | 26 March 2022

Webinar KPBA #23: From Stories to Animation gave new insights and information that even in 2003 already KPBA and INABBY has brought up the matters that strong stories with good illustrations can be modified into many other medias to make the books (stories) alive. Murti Bunanta showed an old newspaper that quoted her opinions and share how four of her books, entitled Princess Kemang,

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Webinar Mengapa Saya Menjadi Ilustrator dan Penulis Plus | 26 Februari 2022

KPBA Webinar #22 went successfully and give many insight to how to develop one ‘s ability to many professions. Murti showed a prominent newspaper dated 1987 in which she wrote the importance of having organizations that focused on promoting of reading (pic 1) and since then she established Kelompok Pencinta Bacaan Anak (KPBA) or Society for the Advancement of Children’s Literature. Murti also shared

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Webinar Bahasa Indonesia Dalam Bacaan Anak | 16 Oktober 2021

KPBA Webinar #20 discussed about the importance of proper and effective usage of words, sentences, vocabulary in the creation of stories. Pilihan kata, penggunaan kalimat, penyajian cerita, pemakaian bahasa yang tertib akan dibahas dalam webinar KPBA #20. Bahasa Indonesia mampu untuk menyampaikan cerita yang mengasyikan.

Webinar Puisi Genre Sastra Anak yang Dilupakan | 25 September 2021

Webinar KPBA #19 on Children’s Poem was a fruitful event attended by more than 100 participants reminding book people that this genre should get more attention to be written, published and introduced, read to children. Books that have been chosen for discussion were not only written beautifully but also contain knowledge about the subject, have a solid story, amusing and completed with beautiful illustrations

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Webinar Rangkul “Simulasi Perkembangan Anak Dengan Bacaan” | 14 Agustus 2021

  Bacaan tidak berhenti ketika habis dibaca karena bisa dijadikan efektif dengan menciptakan cerita baru dan kreasi kreatif. Murti Bunanta dan Dwi Julianti berbagi berbagai cara bagaimana membuat kegiatan membaca menjadi menyenangkan dan dikenang sepanjang hayat. Another Storytelling and Creativity Webinar collaboration between KPBA and Rangkul, Agust 14th, 2021, 9 -11 WIB.              

