Tag Archives: Honorary Member of IBBY

Delegasi Indonesia Mengikuti 3rd Asia Oceania IBBY Regional Congress di Bangkok, 9-12 Mei 2017

Murti Bunanta (president) and Emilia Nazir (secretary general) were presentating a country report of INABBY, the Indonesian Section of IBBY, at the 3rd Asia Oceania IBBY Regional Congress, in Bangkok, 9-12 May. INABBY is known as a very active section for promoting reading and encouraging more researchers of children’s literature. There were delegations from more or less 20 countries attending the conference, The 1st

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Dr. Murti Bunanta Mendapatkan Penghargaan Honorary Member of IBBY di Auckland, New Zealand 18 Agustus 2016

  We are proudly announce that today August 18, 2016, in Auckland, New Zealand, The International Board on Books For Young People (IBBY) hereby nominates Dr Murti Bunanta as an Honorary Member of IBBY. In Gratitude and Recognition of an Outstanding Contribution to the development of IBBY. The comments from the President of IBBY: Murti, not only has your work in Indonesia been of

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