During the discussion of the Webinar KPBA #29, Murti also shared several books written by several members of KPBA to show what outstanding elements can be found in these books. . Webinar KPBA #29: “Gali Bakat yang Terpendam”. Webinar ini sesuai judulnya, menggali bakat, potensi dan gagasan serta saling memberi inspirasi melalui karya masing masing. Dalam webinar ini Dr Murti juga membicarakan beberapa buku
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Webinar KPBA #28 with three children speakers went successfully and amazed attendees. They showed their various talents that will inspire their peers. KPBA is a leading organization that support and gives a place for children to shine. . Sebuah kejutan dan menimbulkan kekaguman yang amat sangat bagi para peserta dewasa akan bakat dan karya anak anak para pemateri: @ Rachel Lintang, @ Joseviena Emanuelllo
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A fruitful workshop with a very good atmosphere and warm relationship between the participants and the speakers. Hoping these open minded participants will be able to write quality books. . Acara pelatihan di Balai Bahasa Sulawesi Tenggara di Kendari yang menyenangkan dan membanggakan karena para peserta yang amat terbuka untuk menerima hal baru, masukan dan kritik positif. Terima kasih untuk kerjasama dan undangan Pelatihan
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Webinar KPBA #27 on “Writing Non Fiction- Resources and Challenges” opened the participants’ horizon that this genre is not less attractive than fiction. New ideas can be explored and written. Speakers: Dr Murti Bunanta , Setiawan Sasongko, Teguh Santosa. Moderator: Emilia Nazir . Webinar KPBA #27 : “Menulis Buku Anak Non Fiksi – Sumber dan Tantangannya“ memberi banyak ide dan membuka cakrawala peserta bahwa
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Webinar KPBA – INNABY #25 discussed Books for Disabilities and Books written by Special children to make people giving more attention to this kind of production. Murti shared and showed the participations examples of books for children with disabilities. She also explained various books for special needs children in the international market chosen by IBBY.Two other speakers are Dita and Sarah two special girls
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A courtesy visit to Slovakia Embassy in Jakarta. Received by Ambassador of Republic of Slovakia for Indonesia, H.E Jaroslav Chlebo. Murti Bunanta and Mira Widhayati presented their works and BIB catalog 2021. . Beberapa waktu berselang, pada tanggal 18 Mei, Dr Murti Bunanta bersama Mira Widhayati menghadap Bapak Dutabesar Slovakia untuk Indonesia, H. E. Jaroslav Chlebo di Kedutaan Besar Republik Slovakia untuk menyerahkan karya
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On the National Book Year Day, May 17 th 2022, KPBA & INABBY core team get together to discuss new coming programs. A fruitful meeting with a warm happy relationship between the team. . Tepat pada Hari Buku Nasional, 17 Mei 2022, tim inti KPBA & INABBY mengadakan diskusi tentang berbagai program KPBA & INABBY tahun 2022 untuk skala Nasional dan Internasional dengan menikmati
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Through Webinar KPBA #24, April 23 th 2022, with its theme: “Stories Behind Children’s Toys”, Murti Bunanta reminded the importance of encouraging children to play and inventing things look simple but will be a step to be an inventor one day . Participants got Insights and ideas to work with children at schools, in writing new stories, having new studies of Children’s plays and
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Webinar KPBA #23: From Stories to Animation gave new insights and information that even in 2003 already KPBA and INABBY has brought up the matters that strong stories with good illustrations can be modified into many other medias to make the books (stories) alive. Murti Bunanta showed an old newspaper that quoted her opinions and share how four of her books, entitled Princess Kemang,
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KPBA Webinar #22 went successfully and give many insight to how to develop one ‘s ability to many professions. Murti showed a prominent newspaper dated 1987 in which she wrote the importance of having organizations that focused on promoting of reading (pic 1) and since then she established Kelompok Pencinta Bacaan Anak (KPBA) or Society for the Advancement of Children’s Literature. Murti also shared
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