After Receiving Workshop on Trauma Healing 2020, the participants expressed their appreciations in their mother’s languages. Setelah mengikuti workshop para peserta menyatakan rasa terima kasihnya dalam bahasa daerah masing-masing.
KPBA and INABBY are selecting Indonesian candidates for @ BIB Exhibition and competition 2021 and one candidate for @ BIB – Unesco Workshop of Albin Brunosvky 2021. Murti Bunanta, President Jury 2011 and 2013 and four illustrators who have been chosen for participating the workshop shared their experiences on December, 12th 2020 at 15.30 – 17.30 hr. HE Mr Jaroslav Chlebo opened the event
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On December 5th 2020, KPBA and INABBY have organized a very special and the first ever done in Indonesia and perhaps never done in other countries; Webinar on “Making Storytelling Devices for Grandparents and Grandchildren” Pada tg 5 December KPBA dan INABBY mengadakan webinar “Membuat Alat Peraga Sederhana khusus untuk Nenek dan Kakek serta Cucu” sebagai bagian dari IBBY- Yamada Fund Workshop Project
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Nearly 9 months during the pandemic, annual meetings of KPBA members were not possibly done which usually we got together in person and have lunch together. This time we have organized zoom meeting attended by 34 members. A very fruitful meeting with many good ideas raised by the members for our coming programs. Setelah hampir 9 bulan tidak mengadakan pertemuan rutin antar anggota
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Two Indonesian delegates: Murti Bunanta and Emilia Natzir represented INABBY at IBBY Virtual General Assembly on September 12 th 2020 at 20hr.00 WIB.There were 118 people attending the meeting. An amazing and full of experiences Murti Bunanta dan Emilia Natsir mewakili INABBY dalam pertemuan virtual IBBY General Assembly pada 12 September 2020 pk 20.00 Wib . Ada 118 delegasi dari puluhan negara
KPBA and INABBY supported by IBBY – Yamada Fund organized the 2nd Workshop on Trauma Healing for activists of Community Libraries in the Ring for Fire, on September 12 th – October 3 rd. 16 participants from 12 Islands are Invited: Palu, Nias, Maluku, East Java, East Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, East Sulawesi, Ternate, North Sumatra, East Nusa Tenggara and Papua.
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Webinar yg diselenggarakan oleh KPBA tanggal 5 September 2020 berjalan dengan sukses. Peserta sangat antusias dan diskusi terjadi interaktif. Sampai jumpa di webinar berikutnya. Webinar on diverse books organized by KPBA and @ INABBY went successfully. The discussion was fruitful and participants look forward to have more discussion on different topics in the near future.
Pengurus KPBA beserta tim KPBA dan semua anggota bersama sama mewujudkan himbauan #diRumahaja, atau #stayathome dan nikmati kebersamaan bersama keluarga. Kanal Youtube KPBA akan memperkenalkan cerita Rakyat Nusantara dari berbagai daerah yang dituliskan kembali oleh Murti Bunanta yang dibacakan dan didongengkan dalam bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia. Cerita akan ditambah secara berkala. Nikmati melalui IG, click profil KPBA di link Silakan tinggal di rumah sementara ini dan
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Beberapa waktu lalu Tim @Dancow, @Nestle, @Ogivly mengunjungi ibu Murti Bunanta di kantor KPBA untuk menjajagi kerjasama dalam penyediaan buku bermutu. Team of @Dancow, @Nestle, @Ogivly came to visit Murti Bunanta at KPBA office for a future collaboration in children’s literature.
Kelompok Pencinta Bacaan Anak selalu terbuka untuk kerjasama dengan berbagai pihak. Tim KPBA: Murti Bunanta , Ida Farida, Emilia Nazir dan Remon Agus melakukan diskusi dengan penerbit Balai Pustaka untuk bekerja bersama memajukan kualitas Sastra Anak di Indonesia. KPBA is open for a mutual strong collaboration with many institutions. A visit to a prominent government publishing company to discuss many programs for children’s reading.
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