With the iniciative of all dedicated members of KPBA Bali Branch this time we came to visit children at Sesetan Camp in Denpasar Bali, sharing stories and making paper craft in the form of hand symbolizing friendship. Children were happy and very enthusiastic. Murti also share a story to a very energetic and active boy to make him more calm and he then
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On September 7th Murti Bunanta flew to Bali and with the members of KPBA Bali shared stories and read books and kamishibai and did origami and paper storytelling to cheer children at the refugee camp hoping to help them to heal from the uncertainty of the situation. Children made nice drawing and they received a nice small finger puppets and gifts from KPBA
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Pembelajaran tentang sastra di sekolah di Indonesia pada umumnya masih menjadi masalah karena banyak dari para pendidik yang belum paham tentang cara pembelajaran sastra yang menyenangkan bagi anak didik. Murti akan membahas hal ini di hadapan ratusan guru, mahasiswa, dosen dan sarjana S1, S2 dan peminat sastra anak di Universitas Bandung, 14 September 2017. How to teach and learn literature at school with
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Foto bersama di depan Indonesian Booth pada acara “Indonesia Night” di AFCC di Singapura tg 19 Mei. Bersama Pak Triawan Munaf, Mr Balakhrisnan, Menteri luar negeri Singapura, Bapak Ngurah Swadaya, dutabesar Indonesia bersama ibu dan Ms Claire Chiang ketua National Book Development Council penyelenggara AFCC ke 8. Murti Bunanta sdh menjadi Board of Advisor sejak pendirian AFCC 8 th lalu, th ini adalah
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IBBY congresses were always organized in full of friendship and togetherness in spirit of dedication for the education and well being of the children through reading and qualities books. Read = Life is the theme of the 3rd congress. Murti has met many old friends all around the world: Wally de Doncker ( president of IBBY – Belgium), Liz Page (Excecutive Directour of
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Murti Bunanta was presenting her paper of her experiences in collecting, choosing, rewriting and retelling Indonesian Folktales in the picture books or a collections. She shared also considerations to use and empower folktales for classroom so that the stories will be loved and remembered by the students. Some of other young Indonesian researchers are also encouraged to present their papers in other topics.
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Indonesia is the Country of Focus of AFCC 2017, 16-21 May (Asian Festival of Children’s Content – afcc.com.sg). Hundreds of Indonesian Children’s books will be shown and prominent Indonesian writers will deliver their papers, Indonesian cultures and folktales will be performed through storytellings, dances and performances. The Ambassador of Indonesia for Singapore, Mr Ngurah Swadaya, and Dr Murti Bunanta had met on March, 30th
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Dr Murti Bunanta, ketua KPBA n President INABBY serta Emilia Nasir. MA sekjen INABBY mendapat undangan dari Kanoon Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults- Tehran, Iran untuk menghadiri 19th International Storytelling Festival. Selain Indonesia juga diundang delegasi dari India, Korea Selatan, Argentina, Australia, Tajiskistan, Tanzania, Cuba, Columbia, Costarica, Sepanyol,Perancis, Jerman dan peserta Iran sendiri.
Murti Bunanta diminta untuk mengucapkan beberapa kata dalam bahasa Persia untuk untuk sebuah setasiun TV Iran untuk mengajak masyarakat menghadiri festival bercerita. Murti Bunanta menjadi pembicara dalam lokarya kreativitas dalam kelas untuk pendongeng profesional, guru dan anak pendongeng, Murti tampak dikerumuni anak anak pendongeng yg terkesan dengan pembicaraan Ibu Murti dan senang mendapat hadiah sepasang boneka jari tikus untuk mendongeng.
Dr Murti Bunanta diminta menjadi juri kompetisi bercerita di Iran, bersama dengan 2 juri lainnya dari Iran, Mr Rahmandoost, seorang penyair, pendongeng, dan penulis buku anak (kedua dari kanan) serta Dr Norbert Kober, pendongeng dari Jerman (paling kanan). Terlihat ibu Murti bersama penerjemah, Ms Sarah.
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