Kenang-kenangan bertemu di #UbudWritersandReadersFestival (UWRF 2017). Sungguh acara yang menyenangkan dan banyak teman-teman baru serta bertemu teman lama. Kerja keras yang patut dihargai dari penyelenggara, Janet DeNeefe dan tim-nya. Bravo! Murti Bunanta bersama pengarang Indonesia lainnya Nila Tanzil Petersen, Evelyn Ghozalli, Shoba Dewey Chugani, Trinity, Ahmad Fuadi Dua. Ubud Writse and Readers Festival 2017. Meeting with old and new friends around the wolrd.

A nice meeting with Pierre Padang Coffin, the creator of the world famous animation film, Minions, at @ Ubud Writers and Readers Festival 2017. A very modest and friendly friend, the son of Indonesian Literature Legend, ibu NH. Dini.
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