KPBA Webinar #22 went successfully and give many insight to how to develop one ‘s ability to many professions.
Murti showed a prominent newspaper dated 1987 in which she wrote the importance of having organizations that focused on promoting of reading (pic 1) and since then she established Kelompok Pencinta Bacaan Anak (KPBA) or Society for the Advancement of Children’s Literature. Murti also shared how she single handedly making bilingual Picturebook which the first in Indonesia and received several International recognitions for her books and then she has been invited to be jury and President Jury of International Ilustrations Competition and Storytelling Festival and also has been invited to tell stories for children in Iran, India, Swedia, Laos, Thailand. She also wrote her stories in English for international publishers. This is how she became not only a children’s literature specialist, researcher, but also children’s books writer, editor.
Mira Widhayati shared how she started from children’s book illustrator to be storyteller, Audrey Katherine and Andina Subarja also shared how they developed their ability.
Webinar KPBA #22 tentang menjadi Penulis plus oleh Dr Murti Bunanta dan menjadi Ilustrator plus oleh 3 ilustrator anggota KPBA Mira Widhayati, Audrey Katherine dan Andina Subarja banyak memberikan inspirasi kepada lebih dari 70 Peserta. Murti Bunanta berbagi pengalaman sejak mendirikan KPBA sampai menjadi penulis, dan berbagai jabatan sampai menjadi tokoh Internasional di dunia Bacaan Anak dunia. Mira dari ilustrator, pembicara dan Pendongeng di forum Internasional, Audrey yang mengembangkan diri di dunia merchandise dan Andina dari ilustrator berkembang jadi penulis. Sebuah proses yang dilalui dengan kerja keras.

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