Webinar KPBA #19 on Children’s Poem was a fruitful event attended by more than 100 participants reminding book people that this genre should get more attention to be written, published and introduced, read to children. Books that have been chosen for discussion were not only written beautifully but also contain knowledge about the subject, have a solid story, amusing and completed with beautiful illustrations even tough in black and white sketches.
Speakers: Murti Bunanta, Made Taro, Wichayanti Rejeki and Galih Indra Gunawan shared many insights and ideas.
Webinar KPBA #19 menggairahkan kembali untuk menulis dan menerbitkan lagi puisi anak dan memperkenalkan pada anak sebagai cerita yang menarik, berisi ilmu pengetahuan yang ditulis dengan bahasa yang indah. Read aloud poetry perlu diaktifkan kembali.
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