Webinar KPBA and INABBY #21 presented various researches on Children’s Literature done by our members: Dr Murti Bunanta, Dr Riama Maslan, Dr Ari Ambarwati and Lukas Luwarso. This research presentations will be continued in 2022 with more topics that needed for all others interested in the studies of Children’s Literature and to give information to the world that Indonesian Chlidren’s Literature are interesting topics to study. Other KPBA and INABBY researchers will take turn in this kind of webinar.
Webinar KPBA dan INABBY ke #21 memberi banyak informasi baru yang berguna bagi para peminat penelitian sastra anak. Webinar semacam ini akan diteruskan dengan berbagai macam topik lainnya oleh para peneliti selanjutnya anggota KPBA.
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