Murti Bunanta as one of the speakers at IBBY Regional Congress in Xian, China, 26 -28 September 2019

Setelah berbicara di Singapore di acara AFCC (Asian Festival on Children’s Content) 2 minggu lalu, Dr Murti Bunanta akan menuju Xi’an (China) untuk memberi presentasi di IBBY Regional Congress, 26-28 September.

Murti Bunanta is one of the speakers of IBBY Regional Congress in Xi’an (China), September 26 -28.



memaparkan kertas kerja dalam tema foto 1, 2, 3: “Childhood Experience in Children’s Literature Creation” pada 4th IBBY Asia Oceania Regional Congress di Xi’an (China) pada tg 26-28 lalu, Dr Murti Bunanta (President Indonesia Section) juga melalukan pembahasan tentang “Children’s in Crisis Program” dengan antara lain Liz Page (Executive Director IBBY – photo 4 bawah kanan), Ming Zhou Chang (President IBBY – ujung kanan bawah), Pornanong Niyomka (atas kiri – Sekjen Thai Section), Reza Khairudin (President Malaysia Section kan) dan teman teman dari berbagai negara lain. Juga mengunjungi sebuah toko buku (foto 5) .
Murti Bunanta was one of the speakers with the theme of, pic 1, 2, 3 : “Childhood Experience in Children’s Literature” and exchanged experiences in “Children’s In Crisis Program” with IBBY friends (pic 4) and also visited a book store (pic 5) .



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