As always our workshop through webinar was very successful. This 12th webinar on April 10th, 2021, organized by INABBY and KPBA (SACL) shared how to create ribbon crafts based on folktales stories. This activities will make stories more remembered and enjoyed by all the people who listened and shared the stories through read aloud or storytelling.
Seperti biasanya webinar yang diselenggarakan oleh KPBA dan INABBY (Indonesian Board on Books for Young People) selalu memberikan pengetahuan baru kepada para peserta serta kegembiraan. Webinar ke 12, tanggal 10 April, 2021 bertema, “Membuat kreasi Pita dari Cerita Rakyat“, sangat sukses menginsipirasi peserta dan tim KPBA.

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